Artist residency, 2 June to 28 July 2009, Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA. Victoriaville Sound Matter/Victoriaville matiére sonore, a performance with Francisco López, Festival international de musique actuelle de Victoriaville, Quebec, 2007. Montreal Sound Matter/Montrèal matiére sonore, a workshop, CD compilation, installation and performance with Francisco López, Darling Foundry, Montreal, Quebec, 2006 Music composition for installation piece at the Dressing Room Gallery, Portland Oregon, January 2005 Technopera – Ariadne auf Naxos – (with Tobias c. van Veen) in conjunction with The Montreal Opera Company), Société Des Arts Technologiques, Montreal, Quebec, November 2004 Playback presentation of early works (as Eto Ami) at the Overgaden Sound Art Festival, Copenhagen, 2004 Music composition for Le Songe/dreamplay, a contemporary adaptation of August Strindberg’s A Dream Play, directed by Kate Bligh, at La Chapelle, Montreal, 2004 Music contribution to Anyware, a global Internet live performance, including composers in Montreal, London, Berlin, San Francisco and New York, 2004 Music composition for production of Crave by Sarah Kane, directed by Kate Bligh, Studio Theatre of the Monument-National, Montreal, 2003 Music composition (as Eto Ami) for Steve Paxton’s dance/performance piece Flat, reconstructed by Julee Snyder, Carborro Arts Center, NC, 2001 and Peace College, NC, 2001